
The Far North

Few live in the far north, as it is a hostile place, not suited for human life. However, to consider it empty would be wrong. Once, the capital of the ancient High Elven civilization was located here. After their fall, the ruins were rebuild and are currently populated by the Night Elves, half-demonic creations of Pardona, the High Priestess of the Nameless One. Immune to the effects of the cold, the Night Elves have build an underground network of castles in the ruins of the old elven empire, preparing for their queen’s mysterious plans.

The Nivesian Lands

The Nivesian lands are the northernmost part of civilized Aventuria. Inhabited mainly by the nomadic Nivesians, tribes of humans who follow a shamanistic tradition and worship semi-mythical beings known as sky wolves, it is a cod and harsh land, but live can be possible for those who know how to survive there. On the border between the Nivesian Lands and the Far North, the settlements of the Rime Elves can be found, but there is little contact between them and the other races of Aventuria. Furthermore, in the eastern Nivesian Lands, at the border to the Bornland, the Duchy of Paavi is located, consisting of the large, eponymous city of Paavi, the largest city and most important trading hub of the north. To the west, at the border to Thorwal, live the barbarian tribes of the Gjalksers and Fjarnings, savage humans who worship animal gods and are ruled by shapeshifters. The Nivesians are mostly peaceful and curious by nature, skilled survivalists and archers and they make up most of the population of the Nivesian Lands. While Gjalskers, Fjarnings and Rime Elves are very rarely seen outside their lands, the shamans of the Nivesians outright encourage their kind to travel and Nivesian explorers can be found throughout the entirety of northern Aventuria.

The Bornland

The Bornland is located just south of the Nivesian Lands, between the Weal Mountains, the Sickle Mountains and the Brazen Sword. To the north, it is bordered by the Duchy of Paavi and to the south, it is bordered by the Middenrealm province of Tobria. It is the easternmost nation of Aventuria and further to the east is merely the Brazen Sword, the massive mountain range that separates Aventuria and Rakshaza. Once, the Bornland was home to the goblin kingdoms, but they were destroyed by the founders of the Bornland, the theater knights. The Bornland is proud of its independence from the Middenrealm and relations between the two nations are distanced, yet polite. Having a very strict feudal society, the nobility of the Bornland is all-powerful, while the commoners have little to no say in the way the nation is ruled. The heads of the bornlandish noble houses are known as Bronnjars and they gather once every five years to elect the Noble Marshall, who officially leads the Bornland. Currently, the Noble Marshall is Tjeika von Notmark, the young daughter of Uriel von Notmark, the most powerful and infamous of the bornish noblemen. However, each Bronnjar has their own army and absolute power in their own territory, which limits the effective authority of the Noble Marshall. Due to their past, the Bornland has the largest population of goblins in Aventuria, who either live in the wilds as bandits, or in the cities, where they are confined to slums. In fact, the goblins might outnumber the humans of the Bornland. There are also nomadic tribes of humans who wander the northern Bornland, known as Norbardians. The Norbardians are wandering merchants, craftsmen and artists, who have a reputation for hospitability and celebration.


At the western end of northern Aventuria, around the Gulf of Prem, lies the nation of Thorwal. Originally just the eponymous city, the Thorwalians have nowadays expanded into small settlements all around the gulf. They are fierce raiders, who are infamous as pirates, terrorizing the entirety of the western Avenurian coast. Their longships are fast and most Thorwalians are savage fighters and skilled sailors. In contrast, they despise slavery and preach a radical form of freedom. They are the only nation in Aventuria without nobility. Instead, decisions are made by democratically elected officials, the Hetfolk. Relations to the rest of Aventuria are bad, due to their ways of piracy and their worldview, which can barely be tolerated by some of the more conservative nobles of Aventuria. However, there is nonetheless active trade with the kingdoms of Andergast and Nostria to the south, as well as with the barbarian tribes of the Gjlaskers and Fjarnings. Thorwalians themselves are highly sought after as mercenaries and bodyguards, due to their natural size and their often high skill in combat.

The Orklands

The Orklands are located between Thorwal and the Valley of Svelt and it is, as the name implies, the place where a vast majority of the orkish race lives. Their land is cold and vast, as well as not very fertile, which leads to most orks living as nomads. They only have a handful of permanent settlements and of these, only their capital, Khezzara is of note. The rest lives in moving tribes, constantly roaming the orklands with their cattle, or as bands of raiders. The orks love war and if they cannot fight the neighbouring kingdoms, they fight among each other. However, they have recently been united behind one leader, the brilliant orkish warlord Ashim Riak Assai, who presents himself as the chosen one of the orkish chief god, Brazoragh. Under Ashim’s leadership, the orks have recently invaded the Middenrealm, causing great damage to the Duchy of Meadows and the Kingdom of Garetia, only to be stopped right at the gates of the capital itself. Now decimated, they have returned to their lands, though the few humans who have spent time among them have confirmed that they only gather their strength for another war.

The Valley of Svelt

The Valley of Svelt is a wide region between the Orklands, the Salamander Stones and the Nivesian Lands. Once part of the Middenrealm, control over the remote region was lost centuries ago and most of its cities are legally independent. Only sparsely populated and barely charted, the Valley of Svelt is one of the most infamously lawless regions in Aventuria, where outlaw bands and orkish raiders roam and where worse might linger. The people are usually shady and many consist of fugitives, who had to flee the more civilized regions of Aventuria for the remote secrecy of the Valley of Svelt. However, a majority of the Sveltish are not bad people, they merely prefer to either be their own masters, or have moved there as settlers, to build up something new. The most notable city in the Valley is Lowangen, infamously the only city north of the desert city of Fasar to accept a magic academy belonging to the black guild within their walls. The entire region was recently overrun and then occupied by the orkish hordes during the Orkenstorm. To this day, the orkish warchiefs are a significant power in the region, often leading the occupied cities of the valley.

Nostria and Andergast

To the south of Thorwal lie the small kingdoms of Nostria and Andergast. Independent from the Middenrealm and proud of it, they have achieved little of note on their own, consisting mostly of poor peasants, with weak kings and an undertrained military. Especially Andergast is known as being the very symbol of backwardness, whereas Nostria mostly takes itself too seriously. However, their structural weakness and largely unexplored wilds makes them both a haven for outlaws who intend to hide from the rest of the world. They also have a fierce and unrelenting rivalry with each other, resulting in regular small-scale wars in which no side can triumph over the other. This rivalry has given them the nickname “The Quarreling Kingdoms”

Salamander Stones

Just north of the Middenrealm lie the Salamander Stones. The name is misleading, as most of the territory is consisting of thick forests instead of the mountain range one would expect. The forests are dark and mysterious and home to the solitary Wood Elves. Few humans live here, as the elves rarely tolerate them in their territory. As such, countless myths surround the entire region and it is seen as a cursed place by superstitious farmers. In reality, the Salamander Stones are not nearly as dangerous as they are rumoured to be, as long as visitors respect the privacy of the Wood Elves and scholars have spent considerable amounts of time with them before. Nonetheless, a visit can be dangerous to those the elves consider intruders and there are many tales of those who enter and never leave again.

The Middenrealm

By far the largest and most important part of Aventuria is the Middenrealm. Located largely in the centre of the continent, it is the only nation that spans from the Sea of the Seven Winds in the west to the Sea of Pearls in the east. It is an old empire with a long and massive history, ruled by emperors of various houses over the thousand years of its existence. Due to its size, the Middenrealm is the most important political institution of the continent and few developments in Aventuria can happen without the influence of the Middenrealm emperors or their nobles. The Middenrealm emperor is considered the most powerful ruler in the continent and the population of all the Middenrealm provinces is more than the rest of Aventuria combined. I will now give you an overview of the Middenrealm provinces, as each of them easily has the size of a smaller kingdom by itself.


The central province of the Middenrealm, Garetia is ruled directly by the emperor. It is a fruitful province, whose central position gives it great political power. This, unfortunately, came at a cost, as every enemy who ever invaded the Middenrealm tried to march towards Garetia, in order to destroy the realm by taking the province. Capital of Garetia is Gareth, by far the largest city in Aventuria, with a population of nearly two million people. It also gave its name to the ruling house of Garetia and the Middenrealm, the House of Gareth, also known as the House of Foxes. Current head of the house and Protector of the Realm is Brin of Gareth, who has taken over the position ever since his father, Emperor Hal, vanished without a trace several years ago. He has not taken over the title of emperor until his father is declared officially dead, but rules the realm with the same authority as Hal did.


The southernmost province of the Middenrealm is similarly ruled directly by the House of Gareth. However, it is not ruled by the head of the house, but by the heir. Due to the young age of Prince Brin of Gareth, his heiress Rohaja is not yet of age and the Protector of the Realm himself is still ruling over the province. Almada is a strong and proud province, once independent and influenced not just by the traditions of the Middenrealm, but also by the Horasian Empire and the Novadi Caliphate, with which it shares a border. As such, Almadanians are progressive and open-minded towards the southern cultures of Aventuria, often taking over their style of clothing or customs. They are more distanced from the rest of the Middenrealm, whom they see as uncultured and harsh. In return, Almadanians are often seen as arrogant and unlikeable by the commoners of the rest of the Middenrealm. As the southernmost province, it is also the warmest and Almadanian wine and fruit is considered the sweetest in the continent.


Located between Garetia to the west and Tobria to the east, the Duchy of Darpatia is one of the central provinces of the Middenrealm. Known as the heart of the realm, it is home to House Ravenmouth of Darpatia, the House of Ravens, second only in power to House Gareth. Crucial in establishing the rule of House Gareth, House Ravenmouth has always been close to the throne. Their lands are home to the headquarters of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, leaving House Ravenmouth perfectly informed of the secrets of the mighty. However, due to the weakness of Emperor Hal and Prince Brin, the head of the House, Answin of Ravenmouth, has tried and failed to crown himself emperor of the Middenrealm after Hal’s disappearance. He failed and fled the Middenrealm, leaving the powerful house weakened and discredited. The people of Darpatia are known to be strict, yet hospitable and faithful. The goddess Travia is held in particularly high esteem. Current head of House Ravenmouth and Duchess of Darpatia is Irmegunde of Ravenmouth, the oldest niece of Answin of Ravenmouth.


The Duchy of Meadows is the northernmost province of the Middenrealm, separated from Garetia only through the small Margreavedom of Warkhome. Meadows is a large province, led by the House of Lionshead, the House of Lions, and known as the Shield of the Realm. It is indeed exactly that, the province which shields the realm from dangers to the north. In particular, Meadows has a history of fighting against orks from the Orklands and goblins from the Sickle Mountains. The inhabitants of Meadows are simple and friendly people, who earn their living by agriculture and livestock breeding. However, they are also sturdy and due to the need to defend themselves, many people of Meadows know how to use a weapon. In fact, Meadows is the most well-defended of the Middenrealm provinces, but also the one most frequently at the forefront of invasions from the Orklands. It is also a cold land, with the harshest winters in the entire Middenrealm. Current head of House Lionshead and Duke of Meadows is Waldemar of Lionshead, a grizzled veteran who is better known as “The Bear”.


The easternmost province if the Middenrealm, Tobria lies between the Sickle Mountains and the Sea of Pearls. It is a vast province and used to be quite rich. However, only a decade before the story starts, the exiled mage Galotta united the ogre tribes of Tobria, leading them in a devastating march throughout the province and towards Gareth. They destroyed the capital of Tobria, Ysilia and countless smaller villages, leaving the once proud province in disrepair. The Tobrians are resilient though and recovering from the loss. They have an affinity towards wolves and the god Firun is particularly worshipped by the hunters of Tobria, even if many Tobrian farmers earn their lives as sheperds. Quite unfairly, other provinces view them as backwards, mocking them for their traditional, highly superstitiouts ways. The province has dark folklore surrounding it, mostly revolving around the numerous druid circles and witch covens that can be found in the remote corners of the province. Druids and witches have a heavy influence on the commoners of Tobria and it is said that the ruling house of Tobria, the House of Honourstone, also known as the House of Wolves, has an unspoken agreement to respect the druidic traditions against even the orders of the Church of Praios, who sees the druids as a danger to public order. Ogres can be found in large numbers in Tobria and despite the defeat of the ogre army, they remain a menace and threat to travelers. The current head of House Honourstone and Duke of Tobria is the ageing Cunibar of Honourstone. South of Tobria lie the Troll Peaks, only nominally a part of the Duchy, a jagged mountain range, home to barbarian tribes of often inhuman size, the infamous Troll Peakers. As the name implies, the Troll Peaks are also home to a majority of the troll race in Aventuria, but they live solitary and their hidden villages cannot be found unless powerful magic is used to reveal them.


A mountainous province in the central Middenrealm, the Kosh is remote and rarely involved in matters of the realm. Due to the close proximity of the kingdoms of the Anvil Dwarves, the people of Kosh have taken over various dwarven customs and there is an active trade going on between them. As such, the god Ingerimm is particularly revered by the people of Kosh, many of whom are craftsmen or miners. Powerful due to their secluded location, the Kosh is not interested in larger politics and its people simply don’t care for the larger Middenrealm as a whole. They view strangers with suspicion and few leave the borders of their province. However, the ruling house of the Kosh, the House of Boarstribe, also called the House of the Boar, is fiercely loyal to House Gareth. Its current head and Duke of Kosh is Blasius of Boarstribe.

North Marches

Located to the west of Garetia, the North Marches are mostly set around the Great River, the largest river in the Middenrealm, who spans from the Sea of Seven Winds almost all the way to Gareth. As such, the North Marches are fruitful, its inhabitans often merchants or fishermen. The god Efferd is revered here and the Great River is considered sacred by his servants. The people of the North Marches are among the richest of the entire Middenrealm, which has brought them the envy of their neighbours. Their ruling house is the House of Greatriver, also known as the House of Barbs and their current head and Duke of the North Marches is Jast of Greatriver.


Located in the remote southwestern corner of the Middenrealm lies the small duchy of Windhag. Sparsely populated and of little strategic importance, it is often overlooked by the more colourful regions of the Middenrealm, its only importance being that it shares a border with the Horasian Empire, age-old rivals of the Middenrealm. With few people living there, Windhag is partially unexplored and a haven for outlaws, with robbers and pirates plaguing the rocky coasts. Often, the Middenrealm only has nominal authority over the region of Windhag and the remote cities are virtually independent. Its ruling house of the House of Garlishgreet, the House of Lilies and its current head is Cusimo of Garlishgreet, who is the only ruler in Aventuria who owns land in the Middenrealm and the Horasian Empire, as the important Horasian city of Grangor also belongs to him.


Lastly, Albernia, the only province of the Middenrealm that is neither a duchy, nor a Margreavedom, but instead a kingdom in its own right. Sworn to the House Gareth, it is not independent though. Albernia is an old land, filled with magic and fairy creatures. The foggy moors and thick forests have brought forth some of the Middenrealms most fantastic and darkest stories, as well as some of its greatest heroes. The people of Albernia are strange, with an affinity for magic, elves and fairy creatures, their language a mixture between the Garethian language and the more harmonic tongue of the elves. Lea Elves can be found in greater numbers in Albernia. Ruling house of Albernia is the House Bennain, the House of Dragons. Its current head and King of Albernia is Cuano ui Bennain, who is also the father-in-law of Prince Brin of Gareth, a union which has made Albernia highly loyal to the throne.


The independent kingdom of Arania, known as the Mhaharanyat, lies south of the Middenrealm, on the eastern shore of Aventuria. It is located in the warmer regions of Aventuria, without suffering the intense heat and droughts that often plague the lands of Tulamidiya to the south. As such, it is highly fertile and many of the Aranians are farmers. The region is known for its wine and fruit. Once a Middenrealm province, it was always closer to the city states of the Tulamids and as such, they declared independence not long ago. Rarely for a province that chooses to leave the Middenrealm, this was done peacefully and the Middenrealm emperor Hal accepted this in exchange for close relations between the Middenrealm and the new Kingdom of Arania. The goddess Rahja is worshipped in particular and seen as the queen of gods, but following her teachings, the Aranians are famously open-minded and welcoming to members of all races and religions, as long as they mean no harm. Due to this, Arania is usually seen as a rich, but relatively weak kingdom, focussing on trade instead of building a strong army. Its current king, known as Shah in their language, is Arkos of Arania.


In a wider definition, the term Tulamidiya describes every region influenced by the Tulamids, the first human settlers of Aventuria. However, the Kingdom of Arania and the Novadi Caliphate are usually seen as their own entities and cultures, so in contemporary discussions, the term is mostly meant to describe the lands in the south-east of Aventuria. The region is arid, yet more a steppe than a true desert and to a certain degree, agriculture is possible. As the place where the first humans settled in Aventuria, the Tulamid cities are often incredibly old, filled with tradition and ancient legends. They are independent city states, often controlling only a small part of the region around them, which has led to the Tulamid lands getting the name “The Tulamid city states”. The four states, often not ruling more than the city of the same name are the sultanates of Fasar, Khunchom, Rashtul and Thalusa. In terms of culture, these four cities are virtually identical, yet there are differences in the way they are ruled. Fasar, the oldest city in Aventuria, is a ruthless slaver city, hosting brutal gladiator fights in the blood pits beneath the city. It is a rich city, yet highly divided between social classes and ruled by a corrupt elite of merchants and mages. Khunchom, in comparison, is peaceful and mercantile, located at the eastern sea as Aventuria’s most important trading hub. Slave trade is outlawed, to preserve good relations to the Middenrealm, but the Sultan of Khunchom has made similar efforts to remain close to his neighbours in Fasar. Rashtul is ruled by the Sorcerer Lord Hasrabal, a brilliant politician, who is open-minded towards his subjects and their beliefs, but demands absolute obedience from them, to the point where many see them as a tyrant. Thalusa at last is an infamous city, ruled by a rumoured demon cultist, willing to do anything to increase their influence, even if it means accepting deals with demon cultists and their followers. In the heart of the Tulamid lands, there is also the most inhospitable and barren place in all Aventuria, the Gorian desert. Also known as the Nine Rivers, the Gorian desert is a tall rock plateau surrounded by flat steppe. A magical catastrophe has destroyed it to an almost otherworldly degree. Not a single drop of water and no life can be found in the Gorian desert and most who travel there do not survive. It is covered by strange red sand and engulfed in a near-permanent sandstorm, making travelling through the plateau nearly impossible. It is said though that deep within the Gorian desert, before the catastrophe that destroyed it, the powerful mage Borbarad had his palace.

The Rashtul Wall

Located in the very heart of Aventuria lies the Rashtul Wall, the largest mountain range in the continent. Separating the Middenrealm from the lands of Tulamidiya and the Khom desert, no kingdom has ever claimed it, mostly because there is nothing to claim. The mountain range is barren and inhospitable, hot at day and freezing cold at night, home to all kinds of dangerous wildlife. Even wild, savage dragons live there. The only humans who permanently live in the Rashtul Wall are the Ferkina, descendants of the ancient Tulamids, who now live as savage raiders in the remote mountain range. Somewhere near the highest mountain of the Rashtul Wall lies the legendary magic academy of Drakonia, but none can find it without knowing the way first.

The Khom Desert

The Khom Desert lies in central Aventuria, south of the Middenrealm and between Horasia and Tulamidiya. Like the latter, it has been influenced by the culture of the early Tulamids, but where the modern Tulamids still live in the cities their ancestors built, the inhabitants of the Khom are largely nomadic, with the exception of some large cities at its corner. The Khom itself is a desert, the only true desert in Aventuria, not counting the magically created Gorian desert in the heart of Tulamidiya. It is an arid place, with most civilization being found around the few oases, or in the cities near the borders of the desert. The inhabitants of the Khom are the Novadis and they have organized into the powerful Novadi Caliphate, one of Aventuria’s foremost military powers. They are known for not worshipping the Cult of the Twelve Gods. Instead, they follow the teachings of the divine giant Rastullah, who is often translated as Rashtul instead. Rastullah has given the Novadis his teachings in the form of 99 commandments and the faithful Novadi is supposed to follow them, even if there are different approaches and interpretations of his will and even different opinions on how many of the commandments one should follow. Some Novadis do not tolerate the presence of non-Novadis in the Khom desert and will react with violence towards outsiders, but most of them, including their remarkably moderate ruler, accept other cultures or religions to a certain degree. The Novadis are also famous as the only culture beyond the orkish to separate between men and women. However, where orkish women are treated as property by orkish men, the gender separation between men and women among the Novadis instead grants both the same rights. Rastullah’s commandment merely means that men and women who do not belong to the same family grow up separately from each other. The current ruler of the Novadi Caliphate is Malkillah Mustafa ibn Rusaimi, third of his name, who grew from a local ruler to the saviour of the Caliphate and new caliphe during a recent war against the vastly more powerful Al’Anfanian empire.


The Horasian empire is located south of the Middenrealm and to the west of the Khom desert. It is the oldest existing realm in Aventuria that does not merely claim to follow in the tradition of a preexisting empire, but actually is a remnant of the very same. The Horasians have been settlers from the western continent of Myranor, who built a vast empire in Aventuria several thousand years ago. Among others, most of the Middenrealm belonged to them once. What remains of Horasia is notably less large nowadays, confined to the regions of Chababia and the Lovely Field. A history of terrible emperors has essentially ruined Horasia about a thousand years ago, but the empire itself survived and is on its way to recovery ever since. While not particularly large, it is the most technologically advanced nation in Aventuria, having recently developed rudimentary gunpowder. This gives the empire a strength that goes beyond mere manpower. It is rich and fertile, with a strong army and a strong fleet, which gives its inhabitants a sense of entitlement. Horasians are seen as snobby by the rest of the continent and they are not entirely wrong with this assumption. A Horasian knows they are more cultured than the rest of Aventuria, quite probably richer and more well-groomed. Manners are everything among the nobility, but behind their backs, they are scheming against each other and more than once, the empire stood at the brink of civil war. Arrogant and ruthless, the Horasian empire has bad relations to its neighbours, particularly the Middenrealm, the renegade province that has grown so much more powerful than they themselves are today. The ruler of the empire is known as the Horas, often using the word as their last name. It is not unknown that a Horas demands downright religious worship and some past Horasians have found their way into the folklore of Aventuria, even sometimes being worshipped to this day. Infamously, the Horasian emperor Fran-Horas and the empress Hela-Horas were responsible for two consecutive wars against the renegade Middenrealm, during which they summoned demons to support their army. The climactic battle against the Horas and their demon armies became known as the first and second Demon Battle respectively and even a thousand years after the death of Hela-Horas, the empire still has to suffer the bad reputation its demon worshipping former ruler has given them. The current empress, Amene-Horas of House Firdayon has actual blood ties to the demon cultists of once, yet tries her best to rid her family of the past shame.

The Cyclops Islands

While the Cyclops Islands are politically a part of Horasia, they deserve their own mention, as they are a highly unique province with its own culture. They are a remote group of islands, located beyond the western coast of Horasia. They are mostly small, barely allowing for agriculture, but the sea around them is clear and rich with fish. The islands themselves are filled with ruins of ancient empires, as the Cyclops Islands have been part of many past empires, most notably the first parts of the Horasian empire, in form of settlements from Myranor. As the name implies, cyclops’ can be found there. They are a rare species, with likely only a few hundred left alive. Distantly related to the trolls of the Aventurian mainland, the cyclops’ are said to be children of the god Ingerimm, whom they worship. They are talented craftsmen and have peaceful relations to the humans of the Cyclops Islands. These humans are the Cyclopeans, talented sailors and skilled fishermen, who serve in the Horasian fleet.


The island of Maraskan is the largest Aventurian island, itself larger than most kingdoms with the exception of the Middenrealm. It lies in the Sea of Pearls beyond the eastern coast of Aventuria. For centuries, it has been independent of the rest of Aventuria, but Emperor Reto of Gareth invaded the previously sovereign island under a weak claim in a bloody war about two decades ago. Maraskan is now a Middenrealm protectorate. It is covered in dense jungle, darker and thicker than anywhere else in Aventuria. Maraskan is a seamless combination of jungle and swamp, hot, humid and dangerous. In fact, it is infamous for its countless dangers. Most of Maraskan’s native fauna consists of snakes and spiders and all of these are venomous and sometimes, they grow to near-human size. More than half of the plants are poisonous and in fact, humans are among the few mammals who have not been driven to extinction by this. The one species who thrives there are the Achaz, who have a last remnant of their ancient empire located in the dense jungles of Maraskan. The humans mostly live in coastal cities. However, the natives of Maraskan, the Maraskanians, have learned how to survive on the island. They follow strange customs and are mostly considered odd, yet friendly people, who worship the peaceful twin gods Rur and Gror. However, a Maraskanian can switch between being hospitable and kind-hearted to being ruthless and cold in an instant. They are feared fighters and assassins and many of them have never accepted Middenrealm rule over their territory. Even now, rebel groups block important trading routes through the jungle, where they fight against anyone who is not a Maraskanian. The capital of Maraskan is Tuzak, from which the weak and cruel Duke Herdin of Tuzak rules with Middenrealm authority, but the true power lies behind the kind and surprisingly sharp smiles of the Rur and Gror priests, who are rumoured to rally the Maraskanians against the invaders.

The Lizard Marches

During the wars between the ancient Tulamids and the Achaz, the lizardfolk of Aventuria, an envoy of the goddess Hesinde, himself in the shape of an Achaz, took the side of the humans when they were at the brink of defeat. With his help, the human hero Bastrabun managed to weave a spell that turned the tides of war. At the envoys request, he did not use the spell to kill the lizardfolk, but to contain them on the island of Maraskan and especially in the swampland known as the Lizard Marches. It is almost exclusively inhabited by the Achaz and various other sapient lizardfolk, such as the amphibic Maru and Zilits. Humans can barely survive in the dangerous marches, which are populated by a vast amount of threats, from giant lizard beasts to toxic animals and plants. The spell has since faded, but the lizardfolk still sticks to their native swamps. Humans live on the very outskirts, in small communities and often side by side with the Achaz. The only notable city is Selem, a city of madness and decay, the rotting remnant of a much larger city that was destroyed by a divine catastrophe to punish its corruption. Selem is a rotten ruin, where people dwell without hopes to ever restore the former glory of the Kingdom of Selem. Many who live there despair eventually and it is as if a curse lies upon the city, that those who do not leave it quick enough lose their motivation to go on. Humans and Achaz live there side by side and the ruling elite of the city, exclusively humans, is rumoured to hide scales and other features that hint at lizardfolk ancestry behind the veils that cover their faces. In general, many of the people of Selem either fall into madness, or seem to have degenerated to feature some characteristics usually found in lizards and fish. It is rumoured that the black sea in the Bay of Selem is home to an old empire of fish-men, who worship dark gods. Nominally, Selem has a ruler, the Sultan of Selem, but his name is rarely spoken and he never leaves his palace.


At the southernmost part of Aventuria, the swampland gradually turns into a thick, humid jungle. The beautiful jungles of Meridiana, also known as the Green Hell by those who have been there before, are the largest forest in Aventuria. Countless myths are told of the treasures that can be found within the uncharted jungle, within ruins of long-forgotten civilizations. Indeed, Meridiana has been the centre of civilization in two previous eras, with temples built by the feline rulers of the seventh and the scorpion kings of the eight era still occasionally found amid the dense forest, the only remnant of their previous presence in Aventuria. This has made Meridiana a dream for scholars, but also for treasure hunters, if they can survive the threats along the way. The jungles are dangerous, yet not inhospitable for those who know how to survive in them. The Moha are humans who have perfected life in the jungles of Meridiana. They are typically short, slim, with features many consider attractive. However, while they are brilliant survivalists in the jungle, the Moha are not known as great warriors, so when settlers from the north came, they were driven deep into the jungles, or forced to assimilate in the city states that formed alongside the coast of Meridiana, the only places where the jungle can be tamed. These city states have been founded by the Middenrealm, but have all gained independence over the last thousand years. The most notable of these city states are Mengbilla, city of alchemists and poisoners, Brabak, the infamous city of necromancers and demonologists, Mirham, the only city to be built within the jungle itself and the small kingdom of Kemi, with its famous jungle pyramids. The most notable of the city states, however, is Al’Anfa, which will be described separately below.


Al’Anfa, the black pearl of the south, also known as the stain of the south is the second-largest city in Aventuria, only barely smaller than Gareth and capital of the eponymous empire. While the Al’Anfanian empire is small, it is immensely powerful thanks to the city of Al’Anfa itself having more inhabitants than the rest of Meridiana combined. It is a city of extremes. Differences between the rich nobility and poor commoners are typical in Aventuria, but it is nowhere else as bad as in Al’Anfa. The population is divided into Fana’s, the vast majority, lowborn who often live in poverty, and the Grandees, those who are born into one of the seven noble families. While the Grandee families are huge clans, often with several dozen members, they make up way less than one percent of Al’Anfa’s population. While a few Fana make it to riches that rival those of the Grandee’s, most of their kind can hope for just enough to live. Nonetheless, Al’Anfa is the destination of many adventurers, those who seek for a new life, but also sellswords and more shady kinds. Crime runs rampant in the poorer districts of the city, while the Grandees throw lavish celebrations on the Silver Mountain, a city district exclusive to them and separated from the densely populated rest of the city, guarded by private armies. It is militaristic and expansionist and has started several wars with its neighbours in the past. Slave trade is legal in the city and widely practiced, while the smuggling of hard drugs, while technically illegal, is usually tolerated by the corrupt city guard. The Al’Anfanian empire has its own interpretation of the Cult of Twelve Gods. In their worldview, Boron has taken Praios’ role as the king of gods. Therefore, the god of death is worshipped everywhere in the empire and his church has unrivaled worldly power. In stark and morbid contrast, the Al’Anfanians also worship Rahja, the goddess of celebration and excess. This combination of death and joy has a fascinating effect on many who come and despite its many flaws, few decide to leave Al’Anfa. The empire is ruled by the Patriarch, who is the only ruler in Aventuria who is also a religious leader, as the Patriarch is always the head of both, the empire and the Al’Anfanian Church of Boron. Previously an elected title, it has been passed to the small noble family of House Honak about a century ago. Recently, the third of the Honak line, the young idealist Amir Honak has taken over the mantle, after his father died in battle with the Novadi Caliphate. Beside House Honak, there are seven Grandee houses, each of them controlling the city, the trade and the military, while they choose members to rule alongside the patriarch in the Council of Twelve. These families are the vast family clans of House Wrathbreak, Karinor, Paligan, Kugres, Bonareth, Wilmaan and Ulfhard.

The Southern Isles

To the west of Meridiana lie the Southern Isles. They belong to various local realms, with the Al’Anfanians and the Horasians having claimed most of the isles. However, by tradition many of them are either uninhabited, or belong to the native Moha. They are also home to the Utulu, the tall, dark-skinned humans from the southern continent of Uthuria. The southern isles are numerous and there are many that are outright uncharted, because of being so remote and located in one of the most dangerous seas of Aventuria. It should also be noted that the southern isles are home to the only actual Moha nation. While the unorganized tribes are driven either into the deep jungles of Meridiana or forced to live in the city states, or even kept as slaves, the Moha of the Miniwatu tribe have formed the kingdom of Miniwatu out of several larger islands, inspired by the Middenrealm feudal system. The Miniwatu have good contact to their neighbours, but are known to ruthlessly defend their home. In an ironic twist of what happened to many of their kind at the hands of the northern settlers, they have also enslaved the native Utulu’s.