Common NPCs

Eldrin SIlverthorn

Played By: DMPC
Race & Culture: Wood Elf
Profession: Wyldrunner / Blessed One Of Rahja
Home: Punin
Role: Innkeeper / Employer
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Eldrin grew up in Bornwood. When he left home for good after the death of his parents at the hands of Orks, he traveled the world to learn about its people and cultures. He eventually joined the Slayer Six, a group who hunted dragons during their terrorizing of Arania. He traveled to Punin as the sole survivor of his group and built The Dragon’s Den Inn and his home, Silverthorn Manor.

Aelara Moonbrook

Played By: DMPC
Race & Culture: Glade Elf
Profession: Servant (Escaped Slave)
Home: Punin
Role: Works for Eldrin
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Originally from Niritul, Aelara left her village in the pursuit of seeing the world and experiencing new things. She was young and naive when she set out and joined a traveling group heading to Arania. Little did she know, the leader of the caravan was a slaver and she was captured and sold into slavery. She was a pleasure slave for 30 years, then she was discovered and freed by Eldrin. She became his personal servant, seeing to all his needs. She also became his disciple and learned more about Rahja, which began to turn her beliefs around in a huge way. She is completely devoted to Eldrin.

Kara Flintfall

Played By: DMPC
Race & Culture: Hill Dwarf
Profession: Groom (Shepard)
Home: Punin
Role: Works for Eldrin
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Originally from Drift, Kara grew up on a ranch as a shepherdess. A bandit group led by Declan Four Fingers raided the farms in the area. They took everything they could and killed the farmers. Kara took a sword to the side and was left for dead. Eldrin and Aelara were traveling through and investigated the smoke of the farms set on fire. They discovered Kara and nursed her back to health. Eldrin took her in as his groom. She is the only one in Eldrin’s household that does not worship Rahja, instead she is a follower of Peraine in honor of her family.

Crisendia Banniundlin

Played By: DMPC
Race & Culture: Horasian Human
Profession: Servant (Housekeeper)
Home: Punin
Role: Works for Eldrin
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Crisendia was the personal servant of a merchant in Kuslik named Guntard who treated her horribly. During a business deal, Eldrin saw this and decided to play a card game with Guntard: If Guntard wins he would get three months of free deals with Eldrin, but if Eldrin wins then Crisendia goes free. After beating him, Eldrin offered to give her money and let he go live her life, but she decided to come work for him. She is a follower of Rahja and a disciple of Eldrin.

Sophia Ironwood

Played By: DMPC
Race & Culture: Thorwaler Human
Profession: Scion (Housekeeper)
Home: Punin
Role: Works for Eldrin
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: The daughter of Aleifus Ironwood, born and raised in Waskir, and promised to Bledric Croban. A rival of Bledric’s raided the wedding and a battle ensued. Eldrin, there at the wedding to bring a fine southern wine for the festivities, defended Sophia from the raiders. After, she decided to leave Thorwal behind and go to work with Eldrin. She has become a devote follower of Rahja.