
120,000 BF

Creation The First Age

Los created the Spheres and the worlds within them from the body of Sumu.

110,000 BF

War of the Titans

The Second Age

100,000 BF

The Age of Dragons

The Third Age

90,000 BF

The Age of Trolls

The Fourth Age

80,000 BF

The Age of the Nameless

The Fifth Age

70,000 BF

The Age of Praios’ First People

The Sixth Age

60,000 BF

The Age of the Many-Legged beings

The Seventh Age

50,000 BF

The Forgotten Age

The Eighth Age

40,000 BF

The Age of Maritime Beings

The Ninth Age

30,000 BF

The Age of Lizards

The Tenth Age

6,000 BF

The Age of Long-Lived Races

The Eleventh Age


The Fall of Bosparan

30th of Praios 0 FB

The Second Demon Battle

Battle which marks the end of the Bosparan Empire and begins the formation of Middenrealm.

337 FB

The Battle in the Dragongap

Destruction of the Theater Knights by The Sun Legion of Praios and the Order of the Banishing Ray.

22nd of Boron 590 FB

The Battle in the Gorian Desert

One of the most gruesome battles of all time and the beginning of the War of Mages.

23rd and 24th of Ingerimm 1021 FB

The Third Demon Battle

AKA Battle at the Trollgap – The free people of Aventuria faced the dark hordes of the resurrected Master of Demons Borbarad.

29th of Peraine 1027 FB

The Battle in the Skies

The hordes of Demon Emperor Galotta and the undead dragon Rhazzazor, former allies of Borbarad, attacked the capital of the Middenrealm, Gareth, from the skies. After their army had reduced Warhome, which lay north of the capital, to ash, the Flying Fortress moved on to the imperial city. Entire sections of
the metropolis were destroyed when the flying demon city Yol-Ghurmak crashed into the city. The Middenrealmers repelled the attackers, but the abduction of Realm Regent Emer of Gareth and the enormous loss of life plunged the Middenrealm into its greatest crisis.

12th of Firun 1038 FB

Beginning of Campaign

The characters, for whatever reason (due to backstory) have come to Punin. They all went to the best Inn outside the walls: The Dragon’s Den Inn.

A man from the village of Alriksford enters the Inn searching for help. Orcs have come south and one of the village children were taken. He needs help!

Slowly, the players are drawn in and speak with the man. The Innkeeper, Eldrin Silverthorn, intervenes and promises to match the promised reward if they will help. They agree.

13th of Firun 1038 FB

Adv 1 Day 1

Players Leave The Dragon’s Den Inn and head west, traveling the road past Madasee and camping by the road.

This evening, Bunk appears at The Dragon’s Den in Punin, and after he speaks with Eldrin he is sent on after the others.

14th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 2

The characters travel the road through Al’Muktur and Soroban before camping near the road again.

Bunk still travels alone, but is making up some ground on the group.

15th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 3

The Characters travel the road through Ratzingen before finding a place to camp near the road.

16th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 4

The characters arrive at Alriksford. They meet with the blacksmith, whose son it was that got taken. She tells them where they were attacked.

The party strikes out and goes to the forest. Together, they are able to track the Orcs deeper into the forest itself.

Bunk arrives in Alriksford and moves on to find the others.

The party travels even deeper, until they come to a Dike. There, they find 2 Orc guards who attack them. The party successfully defeats the Orcs and moves on deeper into the forest.

The group stumbles across a large den of Boars who attack them. The group successfully kills them, but is very wounded in the process. They decide to camp for the night.

After they make camp, Bunk catches up with the group.

17th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 5

The party comes to a river where the bridge had been destroyed. They find a way to get everyone across and continue to track the Orcs.

They are deep into the forest when they find another bridge destroyed, crossing a ravine. They also spot an Orc tower behind the trees. The party figures out how to cross the Ravine and they are able to destroy the Orcs and their leader, Yellowtooth.

They free the boy, Severin, and they camp for the night in the Orc’s camp.

18th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 6

Knowing the way, the party is able to navigate the forest much faster than when they arrived. However, once they exit the forest, they find out they had been duped.

The kidnapping of the boy had been a ruse to keep people looking towards where the Orcs went to the west, and not see the large Orc war party coming from the north. The villages of Perain and Alriksford were attacked. The villagers were mostly killed, but some were taken prisoner.
Knowing the way, the party is able to navigate the forest much faster than when they arrived. However, once they exit the forest, they find out they had been duped.

The kidnapping of the boy had been a ruse to keep people looking towards where the Orcs went to the west, and not see the large Orc war party coming from the north. The villages of Perain and Alriksford were attacked. The villagers were mostly killed, but some were taken prisoner.

The Party decides to follow the Orcs, but send Ayla to take the boy back to Punin and inform Eldrin of what happened. They camp that night on the plains.

19th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 7

The party continues to follow the Orc’s trail to the southwest and camp in the plains.

Ayla moves one day closer to Punin with the boy Severin.

20th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 8

The party continues to follow the Orc’s trail to the southwest and camp in the plains once more.

Ayla moves one day closer to Punin with the boy.

21st of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 9

After a few hours, the party finally leaves the plains and approach Omlad. They learn that a band of Orcs had attacked the city just enough to keep the guards pent up as the rest of their group passed and went into the mountains.

They decide to continue following and enter the mountians, eventually having to camp within them.

Ayla reaches Punin and informs Eldrin of what happened. He arranges for the boy to be taken care of and reports the incident to the imperial guard. The guard begins to muster.

22nd of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 10

The party tracks even deeper into the mountains before having to set up camp once more.

Ayla mounts up with Eldrin, Aelara, and the Imperial calvary and make their way out of Punin.

23rd of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 11

The party continues to track the Orcs deep into the mountains. They finally catch up with them and after some observation decide they can’t risk an attack on them because they are outnumbered 25 to 5.

Curious as to why the Orcs are just holding up in the mountains, they decide to return to Omlad and report the situation. They get far enough away from the Orcs as they could before making camp.

24th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 12

The party pushes hard back to Omlad and is forced to camp in the mountains 1 more night.

The Calvary makes it to Jassatheim and camps for the night.

25th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 1 Day 13

The party makes it out of the mountains and back to Omlad. After a bit of hassle, they are able to report their findings to the Commander. However, the 50 guards stationed at Omlad cannot cross into the mountains, it is out of their jurisdiction. The party gets frustrated and heads to a tavern.

An hour later, the city warning bells go off as a large force of Orcs and Desert Men emerge from the mountains and form up to attack Omlad. They outnumber the guards within Omlad by 3 to 1.

However, the Imperial Calvary arrives and attacks the intruders, killing more than half of them and forcing the rest back into the mountains, including all of the Orcs.

The party meets up with Eldrin, who pays them. He then requests them to join him back in Punin to discuss another job. While some of the calvary stays in Omlad to support them, the rest go with Eldrin back to Punin. They stay in Jassatheim that night.

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ADV 1 Day 14

The party travels with Eldrin, Aelara, and the Calvary down the Imperial Highway. They camp near the road that night.

27th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 2 Day 1 (Day 15 total)

The party arrives at Punin to discover that Eldrin has closed The Dragon’s Den for remodeling. He invites them into the city to his manor.

After they arrive at the manor, Eldrin tells them that he was impressed with their work and would like to hire them as guards for a shipment. He personally is traveling to Grangor to retrieve a chest of gold which is due to him from a venture he invested in. He wants them to travel with him and guard him and the chest on the way back.

The trip to Grangor will take 13 days one way and he is offering to not only give each of them their own horse, but will pay them handsomely per day for the trip. They agree.

He shows them around the manor and assigns rooms. They will be leaving in 2 days.

30th of Firun 1038 FB

ADV 2 Day 4 (Day 19 total)

The party leaves Punin. They pass through Arbasim, and pass through Then before finally setting up camp near the Imperial Highway.

1st of Tsa 1038 FB

ADV 2 Day 5 (Day 20 total)

The party travels the Imperial Highway throughout the day. They pass through Ukuban and Cumrat before eventually arriving at Jassatheim and staying the night.

2nd of Tsa 1038 FB

ADV 2 Day 6 (Day 21 total)

They set off early in the morning and travel the highway once more. They pass Omlad and eventually stop near the river to camp.

During the night, their camp is attacked by 10 bandits. The party takes a lot of damage, but are victorious in the end.