Main Characters

For our TDE game, every player really gets into it. This is why each of our players have their own custom character portraits created by AI, which makes them unique. Even their animal companion pictures were created using AI to make sure that everything about these characters belongs only to them.


Played By: Shauna
Race & Culture: Wood Elf
Profession: Wyldrunner
Home: Searching for one
Role: Ranged damage
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Valaria was born in Aumond in the northern forests. During an Ork raid, her entire family was killed and she was taken into slavery. She was sold to a successful merchant, who lived in Fasar (located in The Lands of the Tulamydes), and was treated well even as a slave. He had a taste for beautiful things and she was one of his prized slaves for that reason. During her time there she met another slave, a Dwarf named Strikinghammer. After 3 years, her master died and his son took over. He was cruel and wanted everything his way. He mistreated all the slaves until finally, 2 years later, Strikinghammer and Valaria killed him. They took his money and fled into the mountains. They wandered north, then back south for a solid year before coming to Punin.

Name: Morn (which means Darkness in Elven)
Companion of: Valaria
Type: Mountain Wolf


Played By: Dave
Race & Culture: Forge Dwarf
Profession: Blessed One Of Rhondra
Home: Searching for one
Role: Melee damage
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Born and raised in the city of Koschim, Strikinghammer learned he was a Blessed One at an early age due to the birthmark he has. He was introduced to the temple when he was young and they worked with him enough for him to get to know his goddess. His father was a merchant, and when Strikinghammer traveled with him to Beldenheim they were attacked by an Ork raid. His family was killed and he was taken prisoner. He was sold to a master who lived in Fasar and spent 15 years there as a slave before he met Valaria. During his time as a slave, he continued to learn from Blessed ones of Rhondra when they visited the home of his master. In his 20th year as a slave, he helped Valaria kill their master (the son of their original master), whom they took money from and fled. He has been traveling with her for a year now before they ended up in Punin.

As a Blessed One of Rhondra, Strikinghammer is able to change forms into a lion.


Played By: Rayne
Race & Culture: Glade Elf
Profession: Secret Agent
Home: Norburg
Role: Ranged damage
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: In the Elven city of Norburg, Ayla grew up in a dynasty: Her family has been agents for the leadership for as long as any could remember. Her first big assignment was to travel to Punin and learn everything she could about it, it being the 3rd largest city in Aventuria. She is to report back any major findings she makes.

Name: Salem
Familiar of: Ayla
Type: Cat


Played By: Mike
Race & Culture: Wood Elf
Profession: Wyldrunner
Home: Unknown
Role: Melee damage
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Nothing is known about Terrell’s past. He knows that his family died somehow, and he was found and taken in by a pack of wolves in the Raschtuls Wall Mountains. He was discovered when he was young by an Elven community who took him in and taught him his culture. However, he never fit in and felt like an outsider. The wolves he continued to visit were more of a family. So, he left and headed north into the mountains. Eventually he met Leilani and they travel to Punin together.

Name: Gewitter
Companion of: Terrell
Type: Mountain Wolf


Played By: Haley
Race & Culture: Half-Elf Nivese
Profession: Tribal Warrior
Home: Farlorn
Role: Melee damage
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Born and raised in Farlorn (In the far north), the moment she could wield a weapon she began to train as a Tribal Warrior. When she came of age, this is the role she played. However, when Terrell came to the city searching for a bounty hiding there, she helped him track them down. Excited at the prospect of being able to see more of the world, Leilani left her duties and traveled with Terrell when he returned to the south. This took them to Punin.

Name: Fynnick
Companion of: Leilani
Type: Fox

Bunk Tungler

Played By: Andrew
Race & Culture: Half-Elf Middenrealmer
Profession: Cat Burglar
Home: Gareth
Role: Melee damage
Relationship Status: Single
Brief History: Bunk grew up on the streets of Gareth. His father before him was a thief. Bunk learned long ago that picking pockets and scamming people will only get you so much. The real wealth lies in the homes themselves. From gold to art, he has stolen almost everything at one time or another. However, his problem came when he stole an heirloom of a big time gang boss named Magnus Stormrider. Only after he fenced the item did he learn who he had robbed. Now he was hunted. This is when he decided to escape and run south, heading to the next largest city he knew: Punin.

Name: Gary
Companion of: Bunk
Type: Fox