The Spheres

The world came into being by Los, the creator god. Los slayed Sumu, the first creature he ever saw who was the first giantess. Los, in his desire to be the only being in existence, slew her out of spite. However, he came to regret his decision and from her body, he created the spheres and the worlds within them: Sphere of Time, Sphere of Elements, Sphere of Life (where Dere resides), Sphere of Space (The Limbus), Sphere Of The Dead, Sphere Of The Gods, and the outermost seventh sphere that is infinite: Sphere of Demons.

Traveling between these spheres is thought impossible in most circumstances. If you’re not playing really high-level heroes, you are likely never to do so. The most likely affect an average Aventurian is to experience from the outer spheres are magic (from the second and fourth), divine intervention through priests (and the sixth) and demonic manifestations by the bad guys (from the seventh).

Remember, TDE is a living game, but it is still a game and can be seen in different ways. For us, here is how we break down each of the spheres:

Sphere Of Time: One of the most chaotic of all the spheres. The river of time flows from here, organizing events throughout the other spheres. Within the sphere, time does not exist. This means that everything which was, is, and is going to happen within the sphere happens at the exact same time. There is no order to it. Any mortal who finds themselves within this sphere would instantly go mad and lose their minds. However, the one thing about the sphere not being a part of the normal flow of time is that anyone or anything within the sphere would live forever. This is the thing most understand and therefore drives many to seek a way to travel to the sphere. The consequences for doing so are not on their minds.

Sphere Of Elements: Also known as the Primordial Sphere. Here, each of the elements run free without any restraint. The essence of these elements bleed over into the Sphere Of Life, and provide mortals with the elements they utilize. But, those elements are just a shadows of the true primordial powers wielded within this sphere. An elemental which is born within this sphere multiplies what the mortal mind can comprehend a hundred fold. So, to say a fire elemental is hot is like comparing a campfire to the sun, there is that large of a distance between those elementals on the different planes.

Sphere Of Life: This is the plane of mortality, where Dere resides. But it is not just Dere. Most people do not consider what the scripture says about Los: he created the spheres and the worlds within them. The “worlds”. This means that Der is not alone. There are other worlds out there which have life, and are more or less advanced than Dere. Getting to these other worlds is a problem, however. No one on Dere is strong enough to create a means of traveling between worlds.

Sphere Of The Dead: Spirits who leave the mortal realms do not go into some heaven or hell there on their planet. They instead travel to the Sphere Of The Dead. It is here that they spend the rest of their unlife.

Sphere Of The Gods: The home of Alveran, the seat of the gods. It is in this sphere that each god has their realms built around the main city of the gods.

Sphere Of Space: Also known as The Limbus. Do not think this sphere is where space itself lies. The space that you are thinking of in in the Sphere Of Life. This is a magical, empty region between that feels like space. Why does this sphere exist? It is the buffer between the natural and unnatural worlds. Sometimes it is referred to by mortals as “The Void”.

The Wall Of Stars: Beyond the Sphere Of The Gods lies not another sphere, but a barrier called The Wall Of Stars. This barrier serves two purposes. It is a fortification of astral energy which blocks off the Sphere Of The Demons from the other 6 spheres. It is also where The Nameless One is chained after being defeated by the other gods. It is a place between, where he cannot touch the other spheres except through his followers.

Sphere Of The Demons: Also known as The Netherhells. If you picture in your head what you believe hell is like, you would be wrong by a factor of a thousand. The Netherhells is a place of darkness, fire, and great cities which house creatures of all shapes and sizes. If the nightmares of nightmares could give birth, this would be what you would find within this sphere.